Heart at Rest Book Cover Redesign


New Version - New Cover

Seven years after its initial publication, Heart at Rest was re-released in a fully updated new version.  Wisdom House Publishing needed a new cover for the re-release and I was honored to lend my services.  The project included vectorizing the publisher’s logo as well as layout design for the front, back, and spine of the book.

Wisdom House Publishing


Book Cover


Friendswood, TX


Original Cover

The original cover design for Heart at Rest was dark and traditional.  The design was simple and straightforward.  These qualities are not bad in and of themselves, but for a book about peace and faith, they seemed out of place.

Modern Front Cover

For the front cover, the image of a sweeping mountain range with mist rolling in above and below was chosen to represent beauty and peace.  A coordinating color palette was created to pair with a set of 3 modern coordinating fonts.

Author & Summary

The back cover was fairly straightforward, needing only a well-designed layout for the author’s bio pic, book summary, title, publisher, and ISBN / barcode blank.  For this space, I vectorized the publisher’s website and reformatted elements from the front cover to ensure cohesion all the way around the book.